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What we do

Our main projects focus on two villages in Mali: Boidié and Kanso. Like many other villages in Mali, they have problems in education, nutrition and health.


Boidié market garden


With the creation of a market garden in Boidié we have managed to improve the food conditions of its people and give work to hundreds of women.

Kanso market garden


A market garden in Kanso will benefit the nutrition of its people and alleviate the economic and dependency problems of women.

Kanso school


Education is essential for the future of young people and the country's development. Thanks to this project, the vilage of Kanso finally has a school.

The canteen of the Kanso school


A free canteen helps improve children's nutrition and helps children from other villages to attend school.

Mechanization of rice cultivation


Rice cultivation is key to the development of Kanso. With a tractor we have managed to increase it significantly.

Mechanization of shea production


Helping the women of Kanso produce shea butter we favor their empowerment and the development of the village.

Un grupo de mujeres de Mali podrƔn tener un empleo y con ello la dignidad e igualdad que se merecen gracias a este proyecto de Ecos de Mali.
Women's employment project


With this project we helped some Bamako girls to realize themselves and become economically independent.


(Concluded project)

And more...


We are studying new projects for the economic development of Kanso and Boidié. We always keep in mind the viability, sustainability and cost-benefit of each of our projects.

Ecos de Mali
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